Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blog Intro

     Well, to break the ice with this blog; I'd like to partially apologize to Ash and my future in-laws. The name of the blog is "The Watkins Family Blog," mostly because that's where we all originally were from (despite the fact that new last names are and will be adopted sooner or later.) 

     Part of what inspired me to start this blog was how little data I have on my pathetically puny phone. I have gotten of those annoying "your phone hasn't been updated in 'x' number of weeks, buy more data now" every week for almost a year now. 

      As nice as it sounds to pay more for storage when the cloud is so freely available, I think I will pass. Being a cheap college kid my thought was, "Why don't I create a free blog to divert some of the memory and data that's being taken up?" Admittedly there's Facebook, but I figure that most people probably don't want to see all the goofy videos, pictures, and stories that I'm going to upload here anyway. If they do want to, however, they are still welcome!

     I hope that it won't be too much of a pain for us all to update the family blog every month or so, and that we can have fun with this.

Love you all!

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